Welcome to St Kenelm's CE Primary School
If you are looking for a place in Reception for your child in September 2025 and would like a tour of the school, please contact the school office who will be happy to help.
Parent@stkenelms.worcs.sch.uk or 01562 710 214
At St Kenelm’s we provide a safe environment where all are recognised and valued as unique Children of God so that they are ready to face any challenge enabling them to flourish.
I would like to offer you a warm welcome to St. Kenelm's CE Primary School. We are a one class per year village school with strong links to the local community, situated in a beautiful, rural setting.

Ours is a happy school with a family atmosphere where everyone is known, understood and cared for. We believe that building high self-esteem and confidence is the key to success in order that each individual can achieve their potential. We aim to develop a strong sense of citizenship in our children within the school, local, national and global community.
We have high expectations of each individual at St.Kenelm's and we expect everyone to do their best. We strongly believe that fostering a real passion for learning is crucial to achievement and we try to enhance this through a whole range of experiences both within and outside the classroom environment through an exciting and vibrant curriculum.
As a church school, we have a strong relationship with St. Kenelm's church community and our Christian values underpin everything we do. However, we believe that we should develop the spirituality of all our children whether they are of the Christian faith, other faiths or of no faith.
St Kenelm's is an open, friendly school and parents are always welcomed and encouraged to be partners in school life. We value a happy, secure, relaxed yet purposeful environment and a tour of the school will demonstrate the respect, the fun and the challenge we offer.
Suzanne Shackleton
Please take a look at our virtual tour video:
** FRIDAY 10TH MARCH - ORTUNATELY SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED AGAIN TODAY DUE TO SNOW AND ICY CONDITIONS IN AND AROUND THE AREA - PLEASE CONTINUE TO LOOK OUT FOR ANY COMMUNICATIONS WHICH WILL BE SENT VIA PARENTMAIL...PLEASE KEEP SAFE & WARM! THANK-YOU ON BEHALF OF MRS SHACKLETON & MRS THOMAS **April 2023 * Newsletters *: Visit our News tab and scroll down to Newsletters to view our latest Newsletters and Letters from our Head-Teacher, Mrs Shackleton. Following our Ofsted visit on the 27th and 28th March, we are pleased to inform you that St Kenelm's remains a 'GOOD' school. Please visit the Key Information page and scroll down to Ofsted for a copy of the report and some of the fabulous comments made. Following our Ofsted visit on the 27th and 28th March, we are pleased to inform you that St Kenelm's remains a 'GOOD' school. Please visit the Key Information page and scroll down to Ofsted for a copy of the report and some of the fabulous comments made. Following our Ofsted visit on the 27th and 28th March, we are pleased to inform you that St Kenelm's remains a 'GOOD' school. Please visit the Key Information page and scroll down to Ofsted for a copy of the report and some of the fabulous comments made. REMINDER: Monday 5th June 2023 is a TED day, school closed to children. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 6th June 2023. ** Term Dates for Academic Year 2023 - 2024 have been loaded onto the website. Please visit the PARENT tab - Letters and Term Dates
** School Calendar of Events/Diary now available to view by visiting the NEWS tab and scroll down to either "Calendar" or "Diary". Thank-you. Any questions please email parent@stkenelms.worcs.sch.uk **
Don't forget to follow us on twitter for messages and ideas! Our Twitter handle is @KenelmsSt. Please do follow us and retweet!
Daily Mile School: We are a daily mile school! Staff and children have been enjoying the new fitness and well being regime. Find out more on http://thedailymile.co.uk