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St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

We inspire, care and believe to enjoy, share and achieve.
Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

Home School Association (HSA)...

The Home School Association consists of a group of parents who meet and organise a variety of events to raise money for the school.  The funds we raise go to support the children in a variety of ways, to provide the added extras which enhance the learning experience for all children, such as FAME Music tuition .

 Why should I get in involved in St Kenelm's H.S.A.?

  •  It’s good FUN!
  • Volunteering at events gets you involved with school life
  • You meet new people
  • You can give as much time as you can spare! 1 hour at any event will make a BIG difference
  • ALL money raised goes directly to the school to benefit your children!

 How can I get involved?

Volunteers are always required at big events, such as the Christmas Fayre, as these would simply not take place without parental involvement. However, if you wish to contribute to the decisions about how we raise and spend the money, come along to a meeting.

Please join our School Lottery for £1 per week and be in with a chance of winning £25,000 while supporting our cause.

If you are shopping online, please consider using Easyfundraising and we can receive a donation at no additional cost to you.

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 Annual Accounts and FGB Minutes 2022/23

Following approval at the AGM held on 19th January, please see attached the Trustees Annual report and accounts for the year ended 15th September 2022 together with a copy of the minutes from the AGM.

HSA Trustees Report 2022/23 

HSA AGM Minutes 2022/23