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St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School

We inspire, care and believe to enjoy, share and achieve.
Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School Life at St Kenelm's Church of England Primary School


In the event that your child has been prescribed medication via their GP/Clinician, please complete the “Agreement for School to administer prescribed medication” form below.  Should the prescription require medication to be given 3 times a day, we would request that this is spaced out over the day and given at home (i.e. before school, after school and in the evening). However, if the requirement is for 4 times daily, we would request that you complete this form.


If your child has a chronic long-term condition such as asthma, allergies, diabetes or any other condition whereby medication is required, please refer to our letter below with regards to an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP). You will also need to complete the “Agreement for School to administer prescribed medication” form.


Please note that all medication should be presented to school in its original bottles/blister packs/box and labelled by the pharmacist with the child’s name and dosage requirements. Thank-you.



It is school policy that staff will not administer any form of medication unless prescribed by your child’s GP/Clinician. This includes calpol, antihistamines, topical creams – if not prescribed a parent/carer would need to come to school to administer accordingly. 

Could we please request that you contact prior to your arrival, thank-you.


Should you have any questions or require further clarification on the above, please contact the school office on 01384 710214 or via

 Many thanks.

Mrs L Bevan - Medical Lead